Get to know the surroundings of Pejerrey, the Nature Sanctuary, river Achibueno. Plan your activities before coming to our Aguapiedras cabins:
Popular places of interest are:
-Nature Sanctuary of the Achibueno River
-Achibueno River
-Achibueno Lagoon
We are located in the Maule Region: the closest city is Linares (35 km) and the closest town is Pejerrey (1.5 km). Aguapiedras cabins are situated on the other side of the Achibueno river, crossing the La Puntilla bridge. By car, from Linares, it takes 45 minutes and the trip from Santiago can take 4 and a half hours.
The Nature Sanctuary of the Achibueno River is a foothill area, with native Maulino forests. The area stands out for its beautiful natural landscapes and native flora and fauna. Therefore, we can observe the Burrowing parrots (Cyanoliseus patagonus), Magellanic horned owl, Lesser grison, Andean fox (Lycalopex culpaeus), among other animals. And in the area, there are many native trees such as soap bark tree, winter’s bark (Drimys winteri), peumus boldus, vachellia caven, maqui (Aristotelia chilensis) and many more.
The people who live permanently in the area are not many and the majority are dedicated to agriculture (growing fruits and vegetables, raising goats). This area is visited mainly to spend the summer holidays in family, or day or weekend trips for Linarenses during the year. Due to many of its characteristics, the area is called Patagonia of Central Chile.
The activities that can be done here are hiking, forest walks, horseback riding. You can also enjoy water sports such as swimming, kayaking, among other activities. The most common types of accommodation in the area are cabins.
Nature Sanctuary of the Achibueno River
Achibueno River Nature Sanctuary considers an area of 4,600 hectares in 3 communes of the Maule Region: Colbún, Linares, and Longaví.
Pejerrey is a town in the mountain near Linares, Maule Region, 32 kilometers from Linares on route L-45, come stau in the sector in our cabins.
Achibueno River
In September 2015, the Ministry of the Environment of the Republic of Chile declared the area of Achibueno River as Nature Sanctuary.
Linares is a city in the Maule Region, it is located 300 kilometers south of Santiago and is the entrance to the Achibueno Nature Sanctuary.
Achibueno River Salesianos Chapel in Pejerrey Nature Sanctuary Achibueno Rural health center in Pejerrey Maulino Forest Rocks in the area
Let´s enjoy the surroundings of Pejerrey! Come and book your stay in Aguapiedras cabins!